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At an AWS event

By participating in this workshop you will be provided with an AWS account to use to complete the lab material. Connect to the portal by browsing to Click on Get Started.

Workshop Studio Home

You will be prompted to sign in. Select the option Email One-Time Password(OTP).

Workshop Studio Sign in

Enter your email address and press Send passcode, which will send a one-time passcode to your inbox. When the email arrives you can enter the passcode and log-in.

Your instructor should have provided you with an Event access code prior the starting these exercises. Enter the provided hash in the text box and hit Next.

Event Code

Read and accept the Terms and Conditions and click Join event to continue.

Review and Join

You will be presented with your personal dashboard. Select the Open AWS Console button to be taken to your AWS account console:

Open Console

Next return to the personal dashboard page and scroll down to the Event Outputs section. Copy the URL from the IdeUrl field and open it in a new browser tab:

Cloud9 Link

You will prompted for a password:

Cloud9 Link

Enter the value from the IdePassword from the outputs and the IDE will load.

Code-server login screen

Press Get started to access the workshop splash page:

Get Started

You can now proceed to the Navigating the labs section.